Due to the possibility that insurance may not always pay for repeated testing, it may also place an economic burden on the patient and their family. Sometimes, the transitional healthcare provider may need more room to accommodate patients’ needs. Planning and information sharing are essential as a result. Therefore, one of the main potential obstacles that can result in the patient’s health state getting worse is a lack of effective teamwork and clear communication (Cullati et al., 2019).
Lack of knowledge about Electronic Health Records (EHR) technology is another potential barrier that can cause miscommunication. Due to this, accurate patient information will not be transferred to the destination hospital because of a lack of training in healthcare professionals regarding EHR technology, which can cause serious issues (Tsai et al., 2020).
Strategy to Establish Absolute Understanding of Continued Care
Various strategies can help to provide patients with effective care treatment. Healthcare professionals must get proper and correct information about patients to avoid issues. So best practice strategy is to develop appropriate planning so that accurate information will be transferred to the destination hospitals. By doing so, patients do not have to face financial burdens, and the mortality rates can also be avoided. By proper planning, Mrs. Snyder’s full medical history will be transferred to the destination hospitals to prevent serious complications. Along with this, destination healthcare providers will also get a medication reconciliation list of Mrs. Snyder which will avoid adverse events due to the wrong medication (Glans et al., 2020).
Another strategy is to conduct follow-up sessions with which healthcare providers will understand Mrs. Snyder’s perspective regarding the destination medical center. It is important to develop a collaborative strategic approach to avoid communication gaps and get to know about patients’ concerns easily. Along with this, organizations must focus on providing complete discharge instructions to the patient and other destination healthcare providers, like which medicine Mrs. Snyder is allergic to, and she has to adopt a self-management plan of care to live a healthy lifestyle. The transitional care plan will be successful if healthcare organizations focus on these strategies (Spencer & Singh Punia, 2020).
The transitional care plan is important when transferring patients from one healthcare sector to another. It will help to transfer the complete patient medical history to other healthcare sectors so that serious complications and mortality rates can be avoided. In the case of Mrs. Snyder, this plan will help her to get the best care treatment and learn about self-management techniques to live a healthy lifestyle and get rid of diabetes-related serious consequences. Along with this, proper planning and follow-up strategies will also help to improve the quality of care treatment for patients.
Moghaddam, M. A.A., Zarei, E., Bagherzadeh, R., Dargahi, H., & Farrokhi, P. (2019). Evaluation of service quality from patients’ viewpoint. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-3998-0